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    by Published on 01-27-2014 06:52 PM  Number of Views: 38167 
    1. Categories:
    2. Web Site/Web Server News

    WB and DC has a lot of news this month regarding their live-action universe as they try to catch Disney's Marvel. After announcing that Batman vs. Superman will be delay until 2016 with Wonder Woman being feature played by Gal Gadot (Fast and Furious Franchise), it was announce that Gal has sign a 3-picture movie deal as Wonder Woman. It also announce with the recent success of "Arrow", DC and WB has more shows they want to put out to further expand their content and characters. It has been recently announce that NBC has pick up "Constantine", a lesser character and Fox has pick up "Gotham" which focus on the young life of Bruce Wayne as well as Commissioner Gordan. Big villains of the Batman franchise will be part of the series with "Penguin" rumor to be first and feature on the pilot episode. Although the biggest news is the CW has order a pilot episode of the upcoming "Flash" series which Barry Allen was already portray this season in "Arrow" and two big and major villains will be in the series and cast in the name of "Reverse Flash" and "Killer Frost". Killer Frost is a character that is playable in the "InJustice: God Among US" video on the home consoles. Danielle Panabaker is set to portray Caitlin Snow (Killer Frost).

    So what you guys think NG, do you like seeing the competition or is just a giant rush production to get the early cash cow going.
    by Published on 12-23-2013 07:23 PM


    Do to an influx of lackluster and non-dedicated administrators we have chosen to forcefully close our Recruitment program effective immediately.

    What does this mean for you? - Nothing, NoobGalore servers will continue to run as they were, and remain operated as you have grown to love over the past 10 years.

    What does this mean for us? - We will effectively begin hand selecting our administrative crew once again. It will now become far more difficult to become 'part of the team' , and something that will be taken with respect and pride and not simply just 'given' once certain published criteria was met.

    When does this start?
    - Yesterday.

    What does this mean for current recruits? - Nothing, they will continue through the program as intended. However, they should pay particular attention to succeeding through the recruitment program - because another chance will have to be earned with more vigor.

    We have removed all administrators that don't have the time to commit, or for whatever reason are unable to assist in our day to day tasks. We feel that we now have a solid base of people to build off of with serious, quality, helpful administrators.

    What can you do to help? - Bear with us for the next couple months as we rebuild our roster and fill in those low volume time slots. If you know someone that has the right attitude to be an NG administrator, get on their case and tell them to check out what is required to become an admin!

    How can you become admin now? - You will have to be referred to Stella/Adam by another admin that is currently on the roster. Each admin will be responsible for who they refer to us, and their word will become their bond. If you aren't seriously interested, don't make your favorite admin look like a fucktard - if he refers you, LIVE UP TO THE EXPECTATIONS!!!!! Once you are referred by an admin, it will be *AT LEAST* 1 month before you are considered for an recruit position, and ALL activity levels must remain throughout, and afterwards. Once you are considered, you will have a 1 on 1 meeting with Stella/Adam in vent to discuss, and at such time a decision will be made based upon the verbal interview.

    What will be considered in my quest to become admin? - Everything we currently consider. Please refer to the recruitment program for more information. Do everything in there, plus, and you won't have a problem. Failure to complete those tasks will result in us looking right past you.

    What happens if I ask if you've considered my application?
    - You will be denied. Do not ask! It will be granted (if so) when we feel you adequately deserve admin, and WONT be leaving in the near future regardless of the decision about admin.

    Thank you all for bearing with us as we transition our work force

    by Published on 12-01-2013 05:09 PM  Number of Views: 10366 

    Previously, we wrote about the Steam Machines new controller and you read the forum threads about the specs beating the shit out of the PS4 and XBOX in both specs, and pricing, but it was all theoretical. Now thanks to a few, we have actual confirmation from OEM provider iBuyPower, who has announced that their first Steam Machine will be available for only $499. Yep, you guessed it -- right in the price range of the other two beasts!

    The Verge caught wind of the new pricing scheme of iBuyPower's Steam Machine, which recently had its home-console-style case revealed, accompanied by some pics shown here.

    Anyway, iBuyPower announced that their Steam Machine, due out in early 2014 and bundled with the first iteration of the SteamOS, will be available for only $499. Yes, the exact same price as the Xbox One, but far more powerful.

    In fact, the Steam Machine will come bundled with AMD's latest R9 270, where-as the Xbox One's GPU performance is closer to a 7790, according to Tom's Hardware. That's not to mention the R9 270 comes with boosted clock speeds, super fast 2GB of GDDR5 VRAM and enough shader processors to make most games weep. What's sad is that for the same price, the Steam Machine is already far faster than the Xbox One as far as graphics processing, memory access and performance goes.

    The Steam Machine from iBuyPower will come with a 500GB hard drive, Wi-Fi support, Bluetooth support and Valve's patented Steam Controller. Of course, it'll also come bundled with Valve's SteamOS.

    One of the big worries about the Steam Machines is whether or not the platform will have enough support. But let's consider that any game already made for Linux (or being made for Linux, or adding Linux support) works with SteamOS, since SteamOS is basically a repackaged Linux designed to look and run like a game console OS. In addition to this, you can also stream any of your Windows-based games from your PC onto your Steam Machine, or run emulation software for older titles.

    That's not to mention that AMD's Mantle is designed to make the most use out of a GPU that doesn't require native DirectX or Windows API support.

    What's more is that all that touting of “TV on your TV” from the Xbox One is now rendered useless in the face of the Steam Machine. Why? Because you can stream whatever you want on a Steam Machine just like you can from PC – legal or otherwise.

    Even more than that, you won't have to pay an annual subscription just to access streaming apps. All of the Xbox One's media services are locked behind the Xbox Live Gold paywall, where-in with the Steam Machine, you can load up or load-in whatever you want whenever you want, just the same as you do with your average desktop PC.

    Honestly, I have to ask: Why would any non-fanboy want an Xbox One at $500 when you're paying for more and getting significantly less? AMD's R9 2xx line was designed to run games up to 4K resolutions, where-as the Xbox One can barely handle last-gen games at 720p. While reasons such as Kinect or voice control might come into the argument, the reality is that you can purchase and hook up the original Kinect to your PC and get apps to do the same thing that the Xbox One does, for free.

    The only thing the OEM vendors need to worry about is marketing their Steam Machines so that people actually know they exist. The only thing Valve needs to worry about is making sure the SteamOS isn't a glitchy mess at launch. If those two things are accomplished, maybe more than Microsoft should be looking over their shoulder at a serious competitor in the home console market.

    Any new opinions vs when we announced the controller??

    by Published on 09-27-2013 08:41 PM     Number of Views: 18001 
    1. Categories:
    2. Game Servers News

    So recently Valve has been trying to make big waves with a series of announcements related to its new line of “Steam Machines,” consoles that are running the company’s very own Linux-based STEAM Operating System. The latest announcement, released today Friday September 27, 2013 is simply this:

    That’s Right! Valve today decided to round out their vision for the future of what they envision for PC gaming in the living room. The controller is a specially designed wireless device that has dual touchpads which act as Valve’s interpretation of translating the PC’s mouse and keyboard feel to a handheld controller in your living room.

    "We realized early on that our goals required a new kind of input technology -- one that could bridge the gap from the desk to the living room without compromises. So we spent a year experimenting with new approaches to input," Valve said in a statement on its Web site. The device was designed using a new generation of haptic feedback, the technology that allows for motion input and vibration in standard controllers.

    That means, according to Valve, that its controllers will provide a wider range of more precise vibration and force through which game developers can deliver new modes of information to players "about speed, boundaries, thresholds, textures, action confirmations, or any other events about which game designers want players to be aware."

    "It is a higher-bandwidth haptic information channel than exists in any other consumer product that we know of. As a parlor trick they can even play audio waveforms and function as speakers," Valve added.

    Valve let information slip in the Steam Machine beta test agreement form which unveiled the device was in the works, however the design remained a secret until today. NoobGalore brings you the exclusive preview!

    This goes to show that Valve is indeed making a serious push to dive into the market dominated by Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony. Will they survive?? Valve most certainly thinks so!

    "Steam gamers, who are used to the input associated with PCs, will appreciate that the Steam Controller's resolution approaches that of a desktop mouse," the company goes on to claim. The two high-resolution trackpads are clickable, allowing the entire surface to act as a button. "Games like first-person shooters that are designed around precise aiming within a large visual field now benefit from the trackpads' high resolution and absolute position control," it adds.

    The controller is completely hackable and customizable, this according to Valve. They say the prototypes and eventual final products will also include a large touch screen in the center equipped with a high-resolution display that can show everything from a scrolling menu to secondary screen info like game maps. Perhaps CS:GO radar? Or maybe team-cams?

    In addition, the screen will be entirely clickable for even more control and customization. The screen when touched will also overlay its display on top of the game you’re playing! This is where it heats up!! Envision the possibilities! And if they allow the same scripting that’s allowed throughout the engine, we can envision new sourcemod addons to complement these features! Will they only be available to console players though, or will Valve begin updating the games with similar features for PC, or maybe even PC controller?

    The closed beta test of Steam Machines will involve about 300 users and they will begin receiving their machines later this year. Valve is currently working with a number of hardware partners for the final consoles. Expected shelf stocking time is in 2014, but still unclear.

    What’s your thoughts??
    by Published on 05-16-2013 04:32 PM     Number of Views: 12364 
    1. Categories:
    2. Web Site/Web Server News

    NoobGalore 'Don't break the `yolk Contest' -- Who can survive the longest and be named Ultimate NG Yolker!

    For this competition, all NoobGalore 'Registerered' players will commence to the Hideout server on a specific date, and a specific time (to be listed below) in the ultimate quest to a 75 Kill Streak!

    The first player to reach 75 Kills will win the competition. We will reset all scores within the server at the beginning of the competition.

    Additional First and second place prizes: First 2 peoeple to reach 100 Kills will receive ALL free perks for 3 months! (Cannot be the winners)

    Where: 24/7 Office N00b Hideout Server ( connect )
    Team Restrictions: None ( CT / T are selectable )
    UPDATED DATE: May 23rd, Thursday at 9:00 PM CDT, 10:00 PM EDT ( You should be in vent atleast 30 minutes beforehand to secure your reserved slot )

    Entry Fee: $5 donated to NG. ( Provide your donation NG URL for easy verification in the application )

    Prize: Winner will select a game from Steam with a max value of $50. The game can be anything accessible via the steam platform. If the player can't find a game they would like, we can discuss alternatives at that point.
    Once a winner has been announced, the winner should contact management with their choice of game. If the cost of games does not exceed $50, you may purchase multiple games. In addition, a $35 donation will be made under your name which will grant you access to our Donator's club where you can request in game perks.
    If you are an admin, this can be utilized on your objectives report.

    Whatifs: If eggyolk is the first player to reach 75 kills, and win the competition, he will donate $35 under his name but retain the main prize. You must beat him to win!

    Players that cannot participate: SSA / SA

    Please fill out the following form to submit your registration:
    by Published on 04-16-2013 06:40 PM     Number of Views: 13572 
    1. Categories:
    2. Game Servers News

    NoobGalore CS:S servers have been pushed to the Steampipe update released by valve today at 3pm EST.

    All servers are running well, with most plugins working. Only plugin that doesn't appear to be working is quake sounds which we will fix shortly.

    Please let the appropriate admins or server managers know of any issues.

    More information about the Steam pipe update can be found at the link below:

    NoobGalore Management
    by Published on 04-09-2013 06:03 PM     Number of Views: 13112 
    1. Categories:
    2. Game Servers News

    So the news was spinning, as yesterday sources revealed Microsoft's next-gen platform will mirror PS4; The newest format means Xbox 360 discs won't be compatible with the Xbox 720.

    Check out the GameTrailers video below.

    According to sources, Microsoft's still-unannounced Xbox 720 will use an AMD x86 processor. AMD is also providing chips for the Playstation4.

    A shift to the x86 format means Xbox 360 discs won't be supported and backwards compatibility would be possible only through software emulation.

    The AMD processor in the Xbox 720 reportedly combines "Jaguar" central processing units with graphics chips, according to one of the sources, who wished not to be named because Microsoft's plans have not yet been made public.

    A Microsoft representative told GameSpot, an online game news source "We do not comment on rumors or speculation. We are always thinking about what is next for our platform, but we don’t have anything further to share at this time."

    Microsoft has not announced its future platform, though the company is reportedly preparing to do just that during an event on May 21 2013. According to Windows blogger Paul Thurrott, the xbox 720 will sell for about $500.

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